Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week of November 22nd

This might have been a short week, but it was a full week. We practiced our bartering skills as we used popcorn as our "money," and we bought and sold all sorts of things-from candy, to toys, to Christmas silverware, and even Emu eggs shells. It was so much fun.

On Tuesday, we invited the "Indians" (the first graders) to our village (the second grade room) and celebrated our nontraditional Thanksgiving feast. We had LOTS of good food to share. We made pots to give the Indians, and the Indians gave us Pilgrims dream catchers. It was a wonderful time of sharing.
On Wednesday, we had "turkey" day, where we read about turkeys, watched a video about turkey production in Iowa, and even made turkey snacks to eat.
We also sent out our Flat Stanleys around to all parts of the United States. We began getting our Christmas cards ready for our Christmas card exchange. We send cards as far as Germany and British Columbia this year. We are so excited! We are also working on cards to send to our epals in Australia. So even though our week was short, it was packed with activities and learning!

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